2021: Food Banking and Ending Hunger: A Response to Prof. Molly Anderson’s Roatch Lectures Remarks | Keynote Speakers: Haskell Speaker: |
2020: Perspectives on gender equality in the EU - Family policies and fathers' work | Keynote Speakers: Haskell Speaker: Gerardo Meil, Professor, Department of Sociology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain.
Respondent: David W. Rothwell, Assistant Professor, College of Public Health, Oregon State University, USA
2019: Challenging current strategies of rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. Reasons for looking at ‘Hope Theory’. | Keynote Speaker: Alexander T Polgar, Ph. D
2018: Indian Nations: Land, governance and economic development | Keynote speaker: Robert Miller |
2017: Human rights, social work and the European and French contexts: Comments on the role of the NGOs | Keynote Speaker |
2016: The Solidarity Hypothesis and the Role of Immigration in the Future of the Social Welfare State | Keynote Speaker:
2013: A Long and Winding Road: Social Work, Law, and The Challenges of Child and Elderly Protection | Keynote Speaker: Respondents: |
2012: How do working families survive when breadwinners lose their jobs? An international comparison of income protection in case of unemployment | Keynote Speaker
2011: Toward Equality in Our Schools: School Desegregation and Mexican Americans Rights | Keynote Speaker: |
2010: Parent, child and community participation in child welfare. Is there room for lawyers? The unique Scottish experience of the Children's Hearings. | Keynote Speaker: Respondents: |
2009: Canadian Child Welfare Services: How much do we share with our neighbors? | Keynote Speaker: Respondents: |
2008: Challenges to Practice and Knowledge in Child Welfare Social Work: From the Social to the Informational? | Keynote Speaker: |
2007: Synergies and tensions in child protection and parent support: Insights from the Italian case | Keynote Speaker: |
2006: The Status of Health Care for the Elderly in Arizona | Keynote Speaker: |
2005: Whose Children? The State of Child Welfare | Keynote Speaker: |
2004: Services that Speak your Language: What kind of second language competency do social workers need? Experiences from Europe. | Keynote Speaker: |
2003: Grandparents as Primary Caretakers of Children | Keynote Speaker: |
2002: The Elderly Outside the Metropolis: Myths and Realities | Keynote Speaker: |
2001: Working with Support Networks of People as They Age | |
2000: Seniors and Health Care Issues: What's on the Horizon |