Student Organizations

Below are student organizations that students have supported in the past. Please check with the  advisor listed for current organization and leadership information.

Check for a list of current student leaders.

The School of Social Work has a number of student organizations to join, no matter which location you're attending.

We are the American Indian Social Work Student Association. The purposes of this organization include but are not limited to the following:

    • To increase student involvement in all appropriate facets of AISWSA operations,
    • To enhance communication and cooperation among all segments of the American Indian social work students, School of Social Work, Arizona State University, and surrounding communities, and
    • To promote other activities which enhance the academic, social, and cultural growth of students and members of the community.

We consist of undergraduate and graduate students in Social Work who are American Indian and of other backgrounds who are interested in the American Indian community. We offer support and student involvement on the Downtown campus among our Social Work peers and students in other majors and programs of study. Activities include monthly meetings and social gatherings, fundraisers, collaborating with other student organizations to promote cultural awareness, enhance cross cultural understanding, and provide opportunities and linkages for community service-oriented activities. Open to any Social Work student.

Contact us:

Faculty advisor:
Chris Sharp at

The IMASWS student organization was established as a group of diverse doctoral students at Arizona State University (ASU) School of Social Work seeking to support diverse and multicultural doctoral students in their academic pursuits.

Our mission is to promote a culture of inclusivity where ethnically diverse doctoral students can thrive in partnership with the School of Social Work and with other ethnically diverse students enrolled in a PhD program at ASU.

This is achieved by cultivating formal and informal connections to culturally relevant resources, such as faculty networks, to academic resources (scholarships, conferences, publications, organizations), and activities that promote social embeddedness within the school of social work and greater community.

Faculty Advisor:
Felicia Mitchell at

International Connections – MOSAIC Club brings together undergraduate and graduate students from all degree programs and academic disciplines who would like to meet other international students.

The organization aims to promote a closer bond among international students and to promote cultural and ethnic diversity on all four Arizona State University campuses.

Faculty advisor: 
David Androff at

MOSAIC Club logo - blue and green globe encircled by a red arrow


We are a group of undergraduate and graduate social work students seeking to support Latino/a students in their academic and professional pursuits.

We will fulfill our mission by partnering with fellow students and other local and statewide communities in an effort to promote positive social change on campus and in the community.

Faculty advisors:
David Becerra
Stephanie Lechuga Peña at

NASW AZ website dedicated to students, designed by students.

General resource link -  

Link to the student community, MyNASW, for student members (requires member login to access discussions, resources, chat communities, etc.) -

Phi Alpha, Theta Tau Chapter, is the National Honor Society for Social Work students.

Through membership, students have the opportunity to learn more about the profession, get involved with humanitarian activities, and explore career choice for the future through networking with social workers in the community.

Induction into the honor society is available to students in the top 35% of their class (by GPA) who meet the qualifications below. Inductees receive a certificate of membership and have the opportunity to purchase a medallion and honor chords to wear during graduation:

Undergraduate Student Qualifications (BSW):

    • Declared Social Work as a Major
    • Achieved Sophomore Status
    • Completed 9 semester hours of required social work courses
    • Achieved a GPA of 3.50

Graduate Student Qualifications (MSW):

    • Completed one semester of course work with a minimum of 9 semester hours of social work courses
    • Achieve a minimum GPA of 4.0

History of Phi Alpha

Phi Alpha was established in 1962. The purposes of the Honor Society, as stated in its brochure, are to "provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals."

Further, Phi Alpha "fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work." There are over 243 chapters of the Honor Society in schools around the country, including the chapter at ASU.

Faculty Advisor:
Melanie O’Neil at

Join the social work student organization at the West campus!

Faculty Advisor:
Karen Kattau at


We are currently looking for students who are interested in revitalizing the Social Work Student Organization. 

The Social Work Student Organization is composed of elected representatives from the BA CASP, BSW and MSW programs. The Social Work Student Organization promotes student activities and interests, and represents student issues to the school's administration and faculty.

Examples of student sponsored activities include:

    • Coordination of student activities, including meetings of the student body, social events, and civic engagement activities;
    • Representation on the School's Faculty Council and Program Committees;
    • Collaboration with representatives of the Tucson Component Student Council regarding mutual interests and issues;
    • Coordination of selected activities with related student groups (e.g., Phi Alpha Honor Society, American Indian Social Work Student Organization, and Tucson Component Student Council);
    • Other activities as determined by the group.

Members of other social work student organizations, including Phi Alpha Honor Society and the American Indian Social Work Student Organization are also eligible to serve as representatives and active members in the Social Work Student Organization.

Please email Melanie Reyes at if you are interested in becoming a student leader. 

Faculty Advisors:
Melanie Reyes at
Elisa Kawam at

The student council is composed of elected representatives from both the Tucson BSW and MSW programs.

Elections occur in the fall semester. The student council is responsible for promoting student interests and representing student issues to the school's administration and faculty. Examples of student sponsored activities: Spring graduation ceremony in Tucson, spring speaker series in conjunction with the Field Education Office, and various fundraising events throughout the academic year.

Faculty Advisor:
Heather Voelkel at

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