Survivor Link + AmeriCorps

Public Health

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About Survivor Link+ Public Health

Survivor Link has partnered with 20 Schools of Social Work at universities across 12 states to spread awareness about domestic violence and build capacity for public health and complementary agencies to respond to intimate partner violence in their practice.Survivor Link + Public Health AmeriCorps members are students at ASU and our partner university sites and serve as AmeriCorps members while completing their required internship or practicum.

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Survivor Link Members Impact Their Communities

Domestic violence is a widespread problem, but many agencies do not have the information or resources to intervene appropriately. Survivor Link members build capacity for responding to domestic violence in their internship agencies by providing training on domestic violence, including assessment and safety planning, and connecting their agencies to domestic violence resources in their communities. Survivor Link members engage in national service, earn money, and work to end the epidemic of domestic violence while completing a degree-required internship or practicum!

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Survivor Link Members Learn about Domestic Violence

Through the Office of Gender-Based Violence at ASU, Survivor Link members are provided weekly training opportunities from experts across the U.S. on topics related to intimate partner and gender-based violence. Members learn important, practical skills so that they can serve survivors, engage their internship agencies in training, and understand the landscape of local and national resources. Through these learning opportunities, members will connect with a national cohort of students who are working to end the epidemic of domestic violence!

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Survivor Link Infographics_Public Health_300ppi


Impact to Impact.


Main Category Hours by Total


49474.75 hrs of service out of 50000 approved hours
6498.25 hrs of service out of 50000 approved hours



Screenshot 2023-06-24 at 9.16.55 PM

Main Category Hours by Percentage








88.58% Service

11.42% Training

0.00% Fundraising

Main Category Hours by Total
Approved Hours
Fundraising 0
Service 45880.25
Training 5915.25
Category Total Hours Percentage
Fundraising 0.00 0.00
Service 45880.25 88.58
Training 5915.25 11.42
Total 51795.50 100.00



To learn more about AmeriCorps Survivor Link interning with OGBV, the domestic violence certificates or courses,
please email us:

For research, organizational collaborations, and public relations, please email:

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