
Certificates in Domestic Violence and Evidence-Based Practice

The Undergraduate and Graduate Domestic Violence Certificates, offered through the School of Social Work, are available for all ASU students interested in developing advanced knowledge and gaining practice skills in domestic violence, victim advocacy, and evidence-based interventions

The Domestic Violence Certificate programs provide both in-person and online ASU students with the experience and knowledge needed to intervene safely and effectively on behalf of survivors of gender-based violence, a vulnerable group likely to be encountered by helping professionals across many areas of practice. In addition to learning about domestic violence intervention, the certificates emphasize prevention through building healthy relationships across the lifespan.


Learn more about the certificate programs!

Undergraduate Graduate

In your courses, you’ll gain a comprehensive overview of domestic violence, and have an opportunity to focus on specialty areas such as global violence against women, the intersection of domestic violence and child maltreatment, the health and mental health effects of violence, intimate partner violence risk assessment, and domestic violence fatality review. Combine either graduate or undergraduate Domestic Violence Certificates with our Survivor Link AmeriCorps program to gain hands-on experience, enhance your learning, and earn money while engaging in an internship or practicum experience.


Learn more about Survivor Link

Steps to Earn Your Domestic Violence Certificate (15 credits)


Learn more about the certificate programs and apply today!

Undergraduate       Graduate

DV Certificate

The Domestic Violence Certificate, offered through the School of Social Work, is available for all ASU students interested in developing advanced knowledge and gaining practice skills in domestic violence, victim advocacy, and evidence-based interventions.

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The School of Social Work offers multiple undergraduate and graduate courses on gender-based violence and healthy relationships, focused on developing knowledge and gaining practical skills that can be applied across a range of professional settings to impact our communities.

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Survivor Link

Survivor Link AmeriCorps provides students with hands-on experience implementing healthy relationships and domestic violence interventions while engaging in national service and earning money - all while completing a degree-required internship or practicum!

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To learn more about AmeriCorps Survivor Link interning with OGBV, the domestic violence certificates or courses,
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